...but I think you should know that I've moved up in the world. That's right, as of last week, I am an Upper Class Citizen. Did I marry a millionaire? Not exactly. Did I win the lottery? Please, I don't play that fool game. Did I inherit a butt load of cash after my dad's tragic pirate attack? No sir.
Then why am I acting better than the rest of ya'll? Because I just became the owner of the finest sets of towels and bedsheets that Target, that's right, I said TARGET, sells. I didn't say Wal-Mart or K-Mart or Factory-2-U, or any other discount retail market. Do you see a hyphen on the Target sign? No. That means high quality.
I'm a changed woman. Since I got these new sheets and towels I say things like "thread count." From now on, I demand that the two towels on our towel rack be the same color and that our pillow cases actually match the sheets. Want some more? I've even started making the bed and folding over the top sheet, which happens to be the same color as the fitted sheet, when I do it. Things are going to be a whole lot different around here, I tell you what! I have tasted luxury baby, and I like the flavor. I've even considered getting a matching set of drinking glasses and using them all at the same time when I fix dinner. That do anything for you? Just don't get all butt hurt if I roll my eyes or turn up my nose when I have to stay at your house and suffer through a night of mismatched poly/cotton blended hell.
"poly/cotton blended hell" = My sentiments, exactly! I am a major proponent of 100% cotton sheets, and they better be higher than 250 t.c.! This bitch has standards!