Thursday, July 14, 2011

For Your Reacting Convenience:

A brand new element had been added to my blog beneath each post. There are three choices after the phrase "I was all" and they are: "Ahahaha!", "What?!?" and "Sad Face". Please feel free to react to my posts using these highly simple responses by clicking on the boxes next to each reaction. It is far easier than formulating an opinion and actually writing a response. It lets me know that my, shall I call it an organized readership? is still out there. No pressure.


  1. There are also ads. That is a new feature.

  2. What? There are what? I'm apalled. This is disgusting. How dare I. But also, my favorite part is how they "coordinate" with the content of the posts. Especially when the posts about brain cancer pirates have ads for Cancer Treatment Centers of America next to them. Hi-larious.

  3. Also, also, I gotta make light bulb money somehow.

  4. Yeah, because that chandyleer looks like it has asstons of light bulbs. Thankfully, you can fill all your lightbulb needs at BatteriesPlus!!!
