I brought my dad's brain tumors home! They were totally done hanging out in Houston. The humidity was making their tumor hair frizzy and they were NOT impressed with the Mexican food in Houston at all. After a serious patting down by a TSA official and some wings in the airport, my dad, my mom, my brother, the tumors and I arrived in Albuquerque to a warm reception by my many rowdy nieces and nephews.
My dad ate a shit-load of peanuts while we gathered the shit-load of luggage from the baggage claim. The tumors are at home resting now, until my parents take them back to Houston in March for Spring Break. Wooooo! Tuuuumooorrrr! Sprriiing Breaakk!!!
I would like to say one thing. I believe the frontal lobe tumor enjoyed the 2x2x2 IHOP breakfast immensely. And this one thing leads to another thing....are the tumors old enough to enter Wet T Shirt contests for Spring Break? Also, isn't one tumor bigger than the other 3, like, won't the other three feel inferior, because the big one will get all the attention? Maybe the other three will have perkier tentacles. We will let the audience in Houston be the judge next month!