Friday, February 18, 2011

Hide Your Kids, Hide Your Wives...

Obviously, we have a bad influence in our public school system! I'm sitting in parent-teacher conferences and I keep wanting to tell all my students' parents to go to the school board and complain because our curriculum is terrible and our district is failing all of our standardized tests! "34% of our students pass the state math exam with a C- average, why are you smiling?!?"

Then I just met a mom and dad who, all I could do was stare at the mom's gigantic bosoms and false eyelashes.

I'd blame my inappropriate behavior on my lack of concentration due to my dad's gigantic brain tumors, but I do this every semester during parent-teacher conferences.

1 comment:

  1. I'm smiling because smiling is my favorite. Make giving a shit your new favorite. Well, Lady Girl, here is the deal, parents rarely care. And I hope I was the one with really big boobs and eyelashes. I would like to blame my inappropriate behavior on my dad's gynormous brain tumors, but, I, being the better sister, will.

    Also~school boards don't care. Why do we send our kids to school anyway? The kids don't care and neither do the parents. Only the teachers do. And like Meatball declared from the mountain of the burning bush....."2 out of 3 aint bad".
